The Origins Funnel

Origins Funnel

Funnel Resources - Links / Email Swipes / Creatives

50% Commission Across The Entire Funnel

Origins: Your Personal Source Of Limitless Power

Origins is based on scientific research into the synchronicity of the heart and brain. This research reveals a natural electromagnetic process within the body that is 5,000 more powerful than the human brain (as revealed in a study carried out by the Heart Math Institute).

This program teaches a process that helps to learn how to manifest through what we call the 'Intention Point'. Your Intention Point is the meeting ground between your heart and your mind, where your belief system lives, and where your gut decisions are made.

To use the Law of Attraction effectively, Origins provides the process to find your Intention Point by leading you through the 4 main stages of letting go, identifying goals, fueling goals, entering your desired state. Working hand in hand with these 4 stages is our 'Manifestation Addendum' or Intention Point Accelerator handbook that contains 9 powerful practical techniques for honing in on your core energy.

Origins is delivered in PDF, MP3 audio book, and MP4 video book formats. We also stack this offer with $414 worth of awesome bonuses, includreports, '9-5 Escape Pod', 'Abundant Body Miracle', 'Magnetic Love Mysteries Revealed' and 5 Visionary Videos.

The Fate Shifting Portal

The Fate Shifting Portal compliments Origins with advanced lessons on the Intention Point.

Each and every customer will have their own agenda with the Law of Attraction therefore this program offers a choice to which path or paths they wish to take on their journey. There are 3 Portals within, focused on; Manifestation, Money Mindset, Health & Wellness.

This program addresses the biggest and most common obstacles to a person manifesting their greatest desires.

Each Portal is broken into small bite sized chunks, designed to maintain attention and inspiration to help anyone progress and manifest at a steady rate - every single day.

The portal is purposefully interactive, as its been proven that e-learning can boost the capacity for knowledge retention from 5% to 30% retained on non-interactive courses. And with all of the lessons, worksheets, quizzes and printable PDF's included within, this course has a lot of interactivity.

Wealth Beyond Reason

Wealth Beyond Reason is one of the largest and most comprehensive programs on The Law of Attraction ever produced. It was created by our new and exclusive Author and Law of Attraction Expert, Bob Doyle, featured teacher from 'The Secret'.

The Wealth Beyond Reason course guides members through the proven, reliable and repeatable steps for utilizing the Law of Attraction to create extraordinary results in all aspects of life.

Plus members can log in to a private membership site where they'll receive video trainings, audio lessons, ebooks, meditations and step-by-step action guides that will support them throughout the program.

All of it delivered in multimedia form (video, audio, text) on our user-friendly membership platform — which is easily accessible across all devices.

Super-Personalized Quiz...
With 19,683 Different Result Combinations

60-80% Optin Rates With Awesome Feedback

Click here to check it out
Quiz Optin

Law Of Attraction Tool Kit Optin...
High Value Gift Your List Will Love

40-60% Optin Rates With an 8.37 Net Promoter Score

Click here to check it out
ToolKit Optin

The Origins Funnel - Resources

Enter Your Affiliate ID:

Recommended Mailing Sequence
  • 1. Mail for the LOA Quiz (Important) - mail the unopens the following morning
  • 2. Mail for the LOA Tool Kit - mail the unopens the following morning
  • 3. Mail for the Origins VSL (Important) - mail the unopens the following morning
  • 4. Mail for the Origins written sales letter or the VSL - mail the unopens the following morning

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  • Direct Text Sales Letter --
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Law of Attraction Niche Email Swipe Copy

The following email copy below is suitable for the following list types: Law of Attraction (Including Manifestation, Meditation, Hypnosis, Brainwave Entrainment).

LOA Quiz (Option #1)
60 Seconds To Manifest Your Desires (Quiz)
Quiz: 60 Seconds To Manifest Abundance…
Name, here's what the Universe says about you...
Name, will you manifest your dreams in 2025? (Quiz)
Free Abundance Reading
Hey [Name],

Were you born to be abundant in all areas of life?

I used to think some people were just "born lucky" and get everything they wanted...

You know, having that nice house, making money doing what they love, living free and on their own terms...

I never always felt like the lucky type, so I wrote off such luxuries a long time ago...

Until this free "Abundance Reading" revealed what's really possible for me.

It's from my good friend Katherine Hurst over at

I don't know how she does it …

But as I read my results, it felt like she was standing beside me, looking over my shoulder like an angel...

And could automatically spot (and eradicate) success blockers I didn't even know I had.

Can you imagine how powerful you'd be with nothing standing in your way?

Click Here For Your Free "Abundance" Reading ← (So accurate it's crazy)

Just please, do NOT freak out about your results … they might shock you like they did me.

Tell me all about it when you're done!


P.S. Head's up...

The "pick your favorite song lyric" question reveals DEEP insights into your behavior that you'd never even dream of …

I had no idea it means what it does!

Take This 60 Second Quiz And See How Abundant You REALLY Are
LOA Quiz (Option #2)
60 Seconds To Manifest Your Desires (Quiz)
Quiz: 60 Seconds To Manifest Abundance…
Name, here's what the Universe says about you...
Name, will you manifest your dreams in 2025? (Quiz)
Free Abundance Reading

Hey [Name],

Ever wonder what's holding you back from the life you really want?

It's never been easier to spot (and erase) these success blocks from your life.

Take this 60 second quiz and find out how.

You'll get a free Abundance Reading that reveals how abundant you REALLY are on the inside (and could become on the outside) …

Plus it shows you how to eliminate the hidden snags in your belief system blocking you from the success you crave …

Take This Quiz and See How Abundant You REALLY Are ←
(so accurate it's scary)

What is it you really want? Money? Love? A happy healthy life.

If you've been feeling stuck and down, then I'm convinced this is just what you need to jump start the manifesting process so you get "real" results.

Let me know what it says about you!

LOA Quiz (Option #3)
60 Seconds To Manifest Your Desires (Quiz)
Quiz: 60 Seconds To Manifest Abundance…
Name, here's what the Universe says about you...
Name, will you manifest your dreams in 2025? (Quiz)
Free Abundance Reading

Hey [Name],

Want to play a bigger game in life?

Live with passion? Do what you love?

Make a "meaningful" impact for others?

Then take this personalized quiz and your free "Abundance Reading" will show you how

It reveals how abundant you REALLY are on the inside (and could become on the outside) …

Plus it shows you how to eliminate the hidden snags in your belief system blocking you from manifesting the abundance you deserve.

Answer these 8 questions to enjoy a fulfilling life of grace and ease

I couldn't believe what my reading said about me. It was truly eye opening...

Let me know what yours says about you, OK?


LOA Quiz (Option #4)
60 Seconds To Manifest Your Desires (Quiz)
Quiz: 60 Seconds To Manifest Abundance…
Name, here's what the Universe says about you...
Name, will you manifest your dreams in 2025? (Quiz)
Free Abundance Reading

Hey [Name],

Ever wonder what's holding you back from the life you really want?

Why haven't you manifested it yet?

Life's too short to settle for less...

That's why I know you'll love this:

Take this 60 second quiz and get your free custom "Abundance Reading" now

It reveals you how abundant you REALLY are on the inside (and could become on the outside)...

Plus it shows you how to eliminate the hidden snags in your belief system blocking you from true life success...

Take This Quiz and See How Abundant You REALLY Are ← (so accurate it's scary)

My own reading was so spot-on, it sent a shiver down my spine!

And it laid out exactly what I was personally doing wrong to manifest abundance in all areas of my life so I could do it right … VERY powerful.

Let me know what your abundance reading says about you...

LOA Quiz (Option #5)
60 Seconds To Manifest Your Desires (Quiz)
Quiz: 60 Seconds To Manifest Abundance…
Name, here's what the Universe says about you …
Name, will you manifest your dreams in 2025? (Quiz)
Free Abundance Reading

Hey [Name],

Did you manifest the life of your dreams yet?

If not then when? If you care about your future then you should take this 60 second quiz and read the free (and highly personalized) "abundance reading" you'll get right after.

It explains what's been blocking you from success and hands you a custom step-by-step roadmap for manifesting the life you really want ...

Take This 60 Second Manifesting Quiz (And Get Your Free Abundance Reading)

And wow, the results sent a shiver down my spine! It was so accurate it was scary …

It was created by my good friend Katherine Hurst over at after working with over 2 million people ...

And the whole time it felt like she was peeking over my shoulder because she knew exactly what to say to get me back on track!

Go here now, take this 60 second quiz and get your report ← (shockingly accurate)

Good luck and let me know what it says about you!

LOA Quiz (Option #6)
60 Seconds To Manifest Your Desires (Quiz)
Quiz: 60 Seconds To Manifest Abundance…
Name, here's what the Universe says about you …
Name, will you manifest your dreams in 2025? (Quiz)
Free Abundance Reading

Hey [Name],

Is the Law of Attraction working for you yet?

If not, then do you know why? I really think you should take this 60 second quiz then read the customized results you'll get right after.

I did - and what I discovered BLEW my mind!

60 Second Quiz Reveals Hidden Abundance Blockers Secretly Thwarting Your Success (And How To Eradicate Each One)

It was built by my good friend Katherine Hurst at based on feedback from working with over 2 million people world wide (completely cutting edge)...

But I must warn you …

The results you'll get right after are very personal.

It's a report that shines a spotlight on everything blocking you from abundance and gives you a custom, step-by-step plan for success.

In fact, mine was so spot-on, it sent shivers down my spine!

Take This 60 Second Manifesting Quiz (And Get Your Custom Report Free) ← (shockingly accurate results)

What is it you really want? Money? Love? A happy healthy life.

If you've been feeling stuck and down, then I'm convinced this is just what you need to jump start the manifesting process so you get results.

Let me know what it says about you!

LOA Quiz (Option #7)
60 Seconds To Manifest Your Desires (Quiz)
Quiz: 60 Seconds To Manifest Abundance…
Name, here's what the Universe says about you …
Name, will you manifest your dreams in 2025? (Quiz)
Free Abundance Reading

Hey [Name] - - You have got to see this!

Is the Law of Attraction working for you yet?

If not, then do you know why? I really think you should take this 60 second quiz then read the customized results you'll get right after.

I did - and what I discovered BLEW my mind!

60 Second Quiz Reveals Hidden Abundance Blockers Secretly Thwarting Your Success (And How To Eradicate Each One)

It was built by my good friend Katherine Hurst at based on feedback from working with over 2 million people world wide (completely cutting edge)...

But I must warn you …

The results you'll get right after are very personal.

It's a report that shines a spotlight on everything blocking you from abundance and gives you a custom, step-by-step plan for success.

In fact, mine was so spot-on, it sent shivers down my spine!

Take This 60 Second Manifesting Quiz (And Get Your Custom Report Free) ← (shockingly accurate results)(

What is it you really want? Money? Love? A happy healthy life.

If you've been feeling stuck and down, then I'm convinced this is just what you need to jump start the manifesting process so you get results.

Let me know what it says about you!

LOA Quiz Follow Up (Option #1)
60 Seconds To Manifest Your Desires (Quiz)
Quiz: 60 Seconds To Manifest Abundance…
Name, here's what the Universe says about you …
Name, will you manifest your dreams in 2025? (Quiz)
Free Abundance Reading
#1 Law of Attraction Mistake you're probably making
Are you TRYING too hard with Law of Attraction?

Hey [Name],

Have you taken this yet?

I ask because yesterday I sent you an email about your free Abundance Reading...

And I want to make sure you don't miss out.

You see, for most people, when real success seems just out of grasp...

It's usually because of the same old limitations and patterns holding you back and keeping you stuck...

However, once you identify them, you can eradicate them...

And manifest everything you need to live your most fulfilling life (without struggle, or push-back, or working hard)...

Which brings us back to your free Abundance Reading.

It pinpoints the hidden blocks in your belief system stopping you from having the life you really want...

And provides a full length, personalized reading packed with simple step-by-step solutions customized to get you ahead in life...

Just do it now, it only takes 60 seconds and it's free, for now.

This is definitely going to help you manifest a better life.


P.S. I'm not sure how much longer my good friend Katherine at is going to keep this online (or how much longer it will be free) so this may only be a one time thing.

Take This 60 Second Quiz And Get Your Abundance Reading Now ← (last chance)
LOA Quiz Follow Up (Option #2)
60 Seconds To Manifest Your Desires (Quiz)
Quiz: 60 Seconds To Manifest Abundance…
Name, here's what the Universe says about you …
Name, will you manifest your dreams in 2025? (Quiz)
Free Abundance Reading
#1 Law of Attraction Mistake you're probably making
Are you TRYING too hard with Law of Attraction?

Hey [Name],

Did you miss this?

If you've been looking to the Universe for answers about how to turn everything around...

Take 60 seconds for this 8 question quiz and get your Abundance Reading to answer questions like:

- Am I aligned with the Universe?
- How powerful is my Imagination?
- What's the #1 thing blocking me from abundance?
- How can I master my life situation?
- What does my future look like?
- What secret personal power makes me unstoppable?
- And so much more …

Take this quick quiz and get your free abundance reading now.


P.S. Thousands upon thousands of science minded people have been ranting and raving about this reading for a reason.

Now it's your turn.

I can't wait to hear about your results!

LOA Quiz Follow Up (Option #3)
60 Seconds To Manifest Your Desires (Quiz)
Quiz: 60 Seconds To Manifest Abundance…
Name, here's what the Universe says about you …
Name, will you manifest your dreams in 2025? (Quiz)
Free Abundance Reading
#1 Law of Attraction Mistake you're probably making
Are you TRYING too hard with Law of Attraction?

Hey [Name]

If you've been on my e-mail list for a while now, you'll know that I'm a BIG believer of the Law of Attraction.

(I've had too many unexplainable things happenin life to think otherwise!)

But what about you, Name?

Are you getting some of what you want with the Law of Attraction?

Do you feel that the Law of Attraction ‘works' for you sometimes, but not all the time?

Are there things in your life that seem to run counter to your conscious intentions?

Have you already experienced the incredible power of the Law of Attraction, and are you ready to take it to a whole new level?

If you said 'yes' to any of these questions I invite you to take this FREE Law of Attraction Test.

This 60 second test will reveal why you're struggling to make the Law of Attraction work...

Or... if you're NOT struggling, it will show you how to move your mind to the next level so you can get even MORE of what you want.

Either way its a WIN / WIN!

Click here now to take the quiz

I'm sure you'll find your results to be quite interesting.


LOA Gift Optin
Free Mega-Load of Success Tools
Your Free Life Success Toolkit
Gurus HATE This...
Manifestation Gurus HATE This...

Hey [Name],

If you're anything like me …

You're probably tired of those "manifest a yacht in five seconds" gimmicks that never deliver, right?

That's why I know this is perfect for you.

My good friend Katherine Hurst over at is doing something SUPER generous right now and I wanted you to be the first to know…

For a little while, she's giving away a simple, practical, yet wickedly effective program called the Law of Attraction Toolkit for free (for now)...

It's an entire bag of "done for you" goodies born from the most raw, real and revolutionary Law of Attraction breakthroughs being discovered today...

(Note: She's working with over 2 million people to create this science, so that you can take questions like "will it work" or "am I doing it right" off the table).

Anyways, I wanted you to claim your copy while you still can.

Download Your Free Law of Attraction Tool Kit Now

If you feel like success is right around the corner and want to put the Universe on YOUR side...

Then this just might be what gives you that extra "push" in the right direction you've been waiting for.


P.S. Those crazy "guru" types who make big promises they never deliver can't stand what Katherine is doing right now...

Why? Because once you have the truth you don't need the hype...

Use this Free toolkit for manifesting the Unlimited life success you deserve.

LOA Gift Optin Follow Up
Your Life Success Is Waiting...
I wonder...
Free gift expiring
...get this yet?
Free Gift For NAME!
Name's free gift from

Hey [Name],

Yesterday I sent you a message about your free Law of Attraction Toolkit…

And I wanted to make sure you got that email!

Yesterday, A LOT of people were REALLY curious...

So I wanted to elaborate a little bit more on why you should grab this game-changing tool right now while you still can...

Inside you'll find...

- 68 "done for you" chiseled-to-perfection Abundance Phrases that take all the guesswork out of "doing it right" (you just use them and see results)

- A simple 5 step modern "Dream Board" system that works almost every time! (Hint: 8 out of 10 people fail because they miss #4 completely!)

- The Freedom Check: A powerful visualization tool that enables you to manifest any amount of wealth you desire using a printer, a pen, and three easy steps.

- PLUS: She's also giving away a licensed digital copy of The Science of Getting Rich!

Do you have this classic on your ebook shelf yet?

Written by Wallace D Wattles in 1910, this legendary tome was WAY ahead of it's time - and sometimes even MORE relevant today!

This toolkit has everything you need to manifest a life of unlimited success

I'm still shocked she's giving this all away for free! At least, for now...

Just do it now while it's fresh in your mind and I'll talk to you tomorrow!


P.S. Over 2 million people in Katherine's community swear by this tool kit.

Why? Because after taking all of the "trial and error" out of manifesting...

They've boiled it down to what flat-out works!

Get Your Free Life Success Toolkit While You Still Can


LOA Direct VSL (Mechanism)
"Intention Point" Secrets
What's your "Intention Point?"
The Power of your Intention Point
5000 Times More Results?
Results X 5,000?

Hey [Name],

Ever heard of your Intention Point?

It's this new manifesting breakthrough I am TOTALLY in love with...

Watch the shocking presentation.

My good friend Katherine and her team at have uncovered a startling breakthrough after working with over 2 million people...

What they discovered about the "biology" of attraction is a true miracle for anyone who desires to manifest a better life!

(Hint: This "Intention Point" plugs you into an electromagnetism able to manifest with 5,000 times more power than your brain alone. That means up to 5,000 times the speed and results.)

Click here to manifest your dreams with 5,000 times more power, speed and results

It's time to stop messing around with the "old way" of manifesting (that only half-works)...

And take advantage of this astonishing new discovery now.


P.S. If you're feeling stuck where you don't want to be, then the story of how Katherine escaped her 9-5 cage to live her dream life will move and inspire you.

If she can do it, so can you.

LOA Direct VSL (Heart Science)
Biological Breakthrough in Manifesting
Heart Manifesting Secrets
PROOF: Heart Attraction Explained
How life changes with heart manifesting
How to manifest with your "heart"
Science reveals how to manifest with your "heart"

Hey [Name],

Did you know that your heart is 5,000 times more powerful than your brain?

Yes - it's true.

Scientists at the Heart Math Institute accidentally discovered this fact during an experiment.

In a reading, they saw that the human heart emits an electromagnetic field that was 5,000 times stronger than the electromagnetic field of the brain.

And since electro-"magnetic" energy is what the Universe responds to...

Doesn't it make WAY more sense to manifest through your heart, mind, and body as a whole...

...rather than just "the power of your mind?"

Watch This Eye Opening Video And Discover These "Heart Manifesting" Secrets

My friend Katherine Hurst and her team of LOA scientists over at have been working night and day on their latest discovery with over 2 million people world wide.

It's called your "Intention Point" and it's like the control tower that communicates between your heart and your mind.

Once you activate your Intention point...

You'll finally tap into the hidden electromagnetism in your heart...

And command the universe with the full potential of your being...

So the world literally bends to your will...

And you start living a life aligned with your dreams.

Are you ready for this level of power?

Click Here To Manifest With 5,000 x More Power And Results

Just please don't tell any of the "mind power" gurus out there about this. They might get offended by what you learn.


P.S. If you're a science geek like me, and want to see empirical evidence that your fear and doubt is genetic (and therefore not your fault)...

Then you'll extra-love this breakthrough science

LOA Direct VSL (Blind Curiosity Option #1)
Tired of the same old same?
5,000x more power?
VERY "eye opening"...
"Mindless" manifesting?
"Biology" of manifesting

Hey [Name],

Are you tired of being promised some outrageous mind trick that's supposed to manifest your dreams instantly (or something equally ridiculous)...

Only to have it not work and get disappointed yet again?

That's why I know you'll love this.

There's been a major "biological" breakthrough in manifesting by my friend Katherine over at

It's an eye-opening new technique that does NOT only draw from the power of your mind...

Yet further draws from a hidden energy already inside of you that's up to 5,000 times more powerful when manifesting your desires... and it WORKS!

I tried it and suddenly everything else made so much more sense.

It's all in this shocking new video.


P.S. You'll love how pure, simple and real this is - no mind tricks necessary!

LOA Direct VSL (Blind Curiosity Option #2)
Tired of the same old same?
5,000x more power?
VERY "eye opening"...
"Mindless" manifesting?
"Biology" of manifesting

Hey [Name],

Quick riddle for you...

What's inside your body that can help you quickly and easily manifest 5,000 times MORE results... and it's not your mind?

Watch This Eye Opening Presentation And Find Out

I couldn't believe how simple it was! This was by far my biggest "ah ha" moment all year.

Once I tried it, suddenly everything else made so much more sense.

It's all in this shocking new video.


LOA Direct VSL (Blind Curiosity Option #3)

Hey [Name],

Did you hear that?

I think my mind was exploding with insights just now :-)

Seriously... I never knew I was doing the whole "manifesting" thing ENTIRELY WRONG!

I wish I'd saw this earlier...

Watch This Shocking Video About New "Intention Point" Manifesting

I promise you'll never look at the "Law of Attraction" the same way again.


LOA Direct VSL (Katherine's Story)
Stabbed in the back
corporate monsters!
"she secretly hated her job"

Hey [Name],

Ever felt stabbed in the back at work?

Like, no matter how hard you work, or how much you sacrifice...

You're still replaceable and they don't really care about you?

Then you must hear this courageous story.

It's about my good friend (and now bestselling author) Katherine Hurst...

How she went from getting stabbed in the back at work when the big wigs up top made promises they didn't keep...

And how she freed herself from the shackles of corporate slavery...

To master the Law of Attraction, manifest a brand new reality...

And ultimately lead the largest Law of Attraction community in the world.

This is so inspiring it brought a tear to my eye.

Katherine also reveals the little known secrets of "Intention Point" attraction that made it possible for anyone who tries it (including you!).

So if you're tired of the same old manifesting "mind tricks" that never really work...

Then you will find this video refreshing and new.


LOA Quiz Follow Up
Draws Unlimited "Abundance" Into Your Life
Secret Abundance Hacks (don't miss this one)
WOW...I never knew
Abundance In ALL Areas Of LIfe?
Mindless Manifesting Secrets

Hey [Name],

Did you get a chance to look at this?

I ask because we've talked about a lot of different "mind secrets" for manifesting recently...

But honestly... none of them hold a candle to using this one hidden power already inside you...

It's 5,000 times more powerful than your mind that enables you to experience rapid growth in all areas of your life!

I'm talking about a full body "physiological" manifesting power most "gurus" don't even know exists.

And that brings me back to this eye-opening presentation...

Watch now and you'll discover:

- How to use your "Intention Point" to manifest your desires with 5,000 times the results (Hint: It's proven by science but it's not your brain!)

- How to shed unwanted negativity like a snake sheds it's skin!

- Why you could be suffering from "limiting belief D.N.A." up to six generations old and how to eradicate it!

- The #1 mistake most people make when manifesting that dooms you to fail from day one!

- Shocking (yet critical) details the famous "Law of Attraction movie" left out... and why!

- 12 breakthrough techniques for rapid transformation and success you can put to use right now

- PLUS: How an ex corporate slave unlocked the secrets of her "Intention Point" and manifested two million people into her life in just a few short years!

And so much more...

So go ahead... check it out...

This is definitely what you are looking fo



LOA Direct Text Sales Letter
From Tragedy To Triumph...
Ex Corporate Slave Strikes Back
Hey [Name],

Imagine this scenario...

You're stuck in a corporate hamster wheel like a cog in a machine...

You feel the pain of dragging yourself to the office in the morning, bags under your eyes...

The drudgery of driving to and FROM work when it's dark... barely seeing the Sun...

The heartbreak from missing your daughter's recital because you're working overtime...

Because everyone expects you to make sacrifices...

And to top it off...

Financially... you still never had "enough".

Maybe you can relate?

That was my friend Katherine just five short years ago...

Her story will absolutely inspire you.

She could barely provide for her daughter...

Marching through life every day... feeling lifeless.

Like a robot.

Today she leads the largest Law of Attraction community in the world (with millions of members)...

And never would have expected to make her dreams come true like she did...


Because it wasn't until she met a "weird" quantum physicist and discovered his biological breakthrough in the Law of Attraction...

That all her manifesting efforts finally "clicked..."

If you told her five years ago she'd be where she is today...

She never would have believed you!

What did she discover?

A manifesting secret called your "Intention Point."

It's a hidden part of your physiology...

Activating it allows you to harness 5,000 times more electromagnetic power than your mind can produce alone...

And the results are nothing short of PHENOMENAL!

It's how Katherine cast off her corporate shackles...

And manifested unlimited abundance in all areas of her life. ← (see how you can too)

Read her touching story for a burst of inspiration today :-)


P.S. Have you ever worked for someone else?

If so, then you probably know what it's like to be "promised" things that never came true?

Katherine was basically stabbed in the back by her work after devoting YEARS of her life...

And what she did about it was AMAZING!

See How This Ex-Corporate Slave Turned Tragedy Into Triumph


Esoteric Niche Email Swipe Copy

The following email copy below is suitable for the following list types: Esoteric (Including Numerology, Astrology, Angels).

Free "Abundance" Reading
60 Second Abundance Quiz
Are You Destined For Abundance?
Test The Universe
Is Your Future Abundant? Let's Find Out...
Hey [Name],

I heard a quote the other day...

"Fate is what happens when you don't make a choice."

Wouldn't you agree?

We use ancient tools like Astrology/Numerology to map out the direction we must take to live our most magnificent life...

But if we don't allow the Universe to empower us along the way to going after what we desire...

Then we're not really deciding to live an abundant life, are we?

Instead we fall victim to whatever the Universe brings our way.

And I know you'd rather take control of your destiny then let your destiny take control of you...

That's why I know you'll love this:

60 Second Quiz And Free Abundance Reading

It's a cutting edge new tool to connect you with your full manifesting potential.

A tool that many people saw unexpected things happen shortly after they found it...

Things like finding surprise checks in the mail.

Creating profitable business ventures as if they appeared out of thin air.

Manifesting the "big ideal at work that won the promotion...

And the list of synchronicities goes on.

Unusual? Sure. But certainly not uncommon.

(Hint: If you've ever had an Astrology, Numerology, Tarot, Runes or even a psychic reading, you'll discover this free abundance reading is perfect for you).

Take This Quiz and See How Abundant You REALLY Are ← (so accurate it's freaky)

My own reading was so spot-on, it sent a shiver down my spine!

And it laid out exactly what I was personally doing wrong to manifest abundance in all areas of my life so I could do it right... VERY powerful.

Let me know what your abundance reading says about you


P.S. Like I said, when you make a choice, you control your fate.

Don't let your fate control you by doing nothing.

That's why taking this quiz is the easiest choice you'll make all day.

Quiz Follow Up
Free "Abundance" Reading
60 Second Abundance Quiz
Are You Destined For Abundance?
Test The Universe
Is Your Future Abundant? Let's Find Out...
Hey [Name],

I heard a quote the other day...

"Fate is what happens when you don't make a choice."

Wouldn't you agree?

We use ancient tools like Astrology/Numerology to map out the direction we must take to live our most magnificent life...

But if we don't allow the Universe to empower us along the way to going after what we desire...

Then we're not really deciding to live an abundant life, are we?

Instead we fall victim to whatever the Universe brings our way.

And I know you'd rather take control of your destiny then let your destiny take control of you...

That's why I know you'll love this:

60 Second Quiz And Free Abundance Reading

It's a cutting edge new tool to connect you with your full manifesting potential.

A tool that many people saw unexpected things happen shortly after they found it...

Things like finding surprise checks in the mail.

Creating profitable business ventures as if they appeared out of thin air.

Manifesting the "big ideal at work that won the promotion...

And the list of synchronicities goes on.

Unusual? Sure. But certainly not uncommon.

(Hint: If you've ever had an Astrology, Numerology, Tarot, Runes or even a psychic reading, you'll discover this free abundance reading is perfect for you).

Take This Quiz and See How Abundant You REALLY Are ← (so accurate it's freaky)

My own reading was so spot-on, it sent a shiver down my spine!

And it laid out exactly what I was personally doing wrong to manifest abundance in all areas of my life so I could do it right... VERY powerful.

Let me know what your abundance reading says about you


P.S. Like I said, when you make a choice, you control your fate.

Don't let your fate control you by doing nothing.

That's why taking this quiz is the easiest choice you'll make all day.

Direct VSL
What's your big dream?
The "Intention Point" discovery
Why not live big?
Why not live the dream?
I'm blown away by this
Know what?

Hey [Name],

Why do some people struggle and fail (even after their astrology/numerology/tarot reading shows them the way )...

While others breeze through life, get everything they've ever wanted and make it look easy?

I guarantee it's not what you think...

Find out the wide-eyed truth on what makes the difference.

The Universe is infinite, able to manifest your dreams as you fulfil your destiny ...

Yet for some people, their "big dream" just seems "out of their reach"...

What they don't know, is...

All it takes is one tiny shift in your "Intention Point" to change it all.

Which brings me back to this short video.

There's one thing I am certain of about you.

You were not born to go to work, pay bills and die.

You're here for something more.

So if you are ready to finally manifest the abundant life you're destined for...

This is exactly what's been missing.


P.S. If you weren't born to be a Hamster on a wheel, then what is your purpose in life? What is your destiny and how will you create it?

Like I said, you are here for something more. That's why it's so important to ...

Watch this video and gain the power to control your own destiny.

Direct VSL Follow Up
About Yesterday's email...
Don't keep your dreams waiting...

Hey [Name],

Did you see this?

Just making sure because people are freaking out over this "heart manifesting" technique that I sent out yesterday.

You see, your heart is 5,000 times more Electromagnetic than your mind. And when you manifest with BOTH your heart and your mind, you get up to 5,000 times the speed and results.

Try this new Intention Point technique and see for yourself.

This one simple approach makes seizing opportunities and shattering challenges standing in the way of your purpose SO much easier...

Why? Because doing this one thing tells the Universe you're READY to have everything you've ever wanted and to create true "meaning" in your life.

You are ready, right?


P.S. This is the last time I mention this so watch it now while it's fresh in your mind.

It's too valuable to let pass you by.


Health Niche Email Swipe Copy

The following email copy below is suitable for the following list types: Health (Including Fitness, Lifestyle, Exercise, Dieting).

Abundant Body Quiz
Is Your Body Abundant?
The "Abundant" Lifestyle Quiz

Hey [Name],

Ever try to lose weight and fail?

Or set a health goal that never came to be?

Life's too short to feel sluggish and unhealthy every day...

Because when we feel abundant, vital energy in our body...

We can accomplish anything we set our mind to.

That's why I know you'll love this:

60 Second Quiz And Get Your Free Abundance Reading

I'm blown away by this little quiz!

It reveals the hidden pitfalls holding you back from feeling more relaxed, vibrant and alive in every way...

And lays out a personalized plan to help you achieve your fitness goals without old mindsets blocking you from greatness.

Take This Quiz and See How Abundant You REALLY Are ← (so accurate it's scary)

My own reading was so spot-on, it sent a shiver down my spine!

And it laid out exactly what I was personally doing wrong to create abundant health and energy in all areas of my life so I could do it right... VERY powerful.

Let me know what your abundance reading says about you.


P.S. This quiz was developed by my good friend Katherine over at who's been working with over 2 million people world wide...

Unlike a lot of these attraction "guru" types who promise you to manifest the Moon...

Katherine's research is pure science (and shocking science, at that) and her advice is grounded in the real world.

That's why I know taking this quiz just might change your life. ← (transformational experience)

Direct VSL
Does "mindset" really help?
"Mindset" vs. "Intention"
What's your health "intent"
The "Intention Point" Lifestyle

Hey [Name],

"Mindset is everything when it comes to achieving your goals"

Have you heard this before?

While it may hold truth, I think there's more to it than that, don't you?

Your mind can help you persevere through hard work and struggle...

But why struggle at all?

When it comes to staying slimmer, fitter and sexier...

Motivated to work out consistently...

Empowered to say "no" to bad-for-you foods your body craves

Staying on track with your health and where you want to be with your "dream" body

There's another "non-mental" way to ensure you are always at peak performance and maximizing your potential to get the body you want.

See how in this jaw dropping video.

You know me - hard science and facts is what I need. I'm not into that "woo woo" stuff...

That's why when I saw how discovered this biological breakthrough...

I was blown away and you'll be too.

This is exactly what you need to achieve your fitness goals this year.


P.S. Heart health is critical. But did you know your heart puts out 5,000 times stronger electromagnetic energy than your brain?

That's why the old saying "put your heart into working out" is so valuable.

Learn how to use the secret powers hidden in your heart to manifest your dream lifestyle


Romance Niche Email Swipe Copy

The following email copy below is suitable for the following list types: Health (Including Fitness, Lifestyle, Exercise, Dieting).

Sensual Abundance Quiz
Are You Abundant In Bed?
Are You Sexually Abundant?
How Abundant Is Your Love?
Keys To An Abundant Relationship
Romantic Abundance Reading (60 second quiz)
Hey [Name],

Do you know the #1 most attractive and irresistible thing to the opposite sex?

It's not looks. Or language...

Or the clothing you wear, the stuff you have, or your job...

None of that.

It's your "energy."

And I don't mean in a "woo woo" kind of way ...

I mean it in a physical, sensual way you can feel deep within your bones.

You are either radiating a magnetic, attractive, abundant energy that makes others want to be around you...

Or you're hardened, heavy, and keep pulling on your lovers energy like a black hole!

We all know that true success in romance and love start by loving yourself first, right?

That's why I know you'll love this:

Take This 60 Second Quiz And Find Out How Sensually "Abundant" You Are

You're going to love this "weird" little reading.

My results were so personalized they gave me goosebumps!

It pinpoints the source of your personal pitfalls and shows you how to soar past them so your relationship's seem to work themselves out as if by magic.

Click Here And Get Your Free Romantic "Abundance Reading" Now

Because the truth is this:

Once you get your "inner energy" aligned with what you really want...

And there's no telling just how connected, hot and passionate your love life can be (or how far your lover will be willing to go to please you)...

Let me know what it says about you!


P.S. This quiz was developed by my good friend Katherine over at who's been working with over 2 million people world wide...

Unlike a lot of these attraction "guru" types who promise you to manifest the Moon...

Katherine's research is pure science (and shocking science, at that) and her advice is grounded in the real world.

That's why I know this quiz and reading could change your life forever.

Quiz Follow Up
Your abundance reading expires
Get your results?
Don't "expire"...

Hey [Name],

It's a short 60 second quiz that reveals the mistakes you are making that could be damaging your love life.

Take it now it might expire soon

The Abundance Reading you will transform the way you see men - and yourself!

Why? Because self Awareness opens doors to new healing.

And the customized expert advice you'll get in your "Abundance Reading" will walk you through breaking through each roadblock that keeps showing up in your life.

That's why you should take this now while you still can.

Just don't freak out over your results ok?

They're so eerily accurate it's almost creepy. And your relationships with men will never be the same.


P.S. I took this thing this morning and I'm still rattled by what I saw. I'll tell you more about it after you take yours do we are in the same page.

Take this 60 second quiz and see how abundant in love you were born to be

Direct VSL
X-ray glasses for his heart
X-ray glasses for his soul
What's his "Intent" with you?
what does he intend?
His intentions?

Hey [Name],

Men are like a puzzle, aren't they?

You're always figuring out what's on his mind.

Digging for clues that reveal how he feels in his heart about his future with you.

Trying to make sense of what he really means when he says what he says.

What if I told you there was a "missing piece" you're probably not seeing?

A final piece of the puzzle that, when set in place, completes the picture and takes the mystery out of men forever?

I wouldn't have believed it myself...

Until I saw this heart pounding video.

It's from my good friend Katherine.

She's worked with over two million people worldwide to discover something called your "Intention Point."

It's the physiological bridge between your heart and your mind.

The place where your intentions manifest into reality...

The energetic "stage" where your relationship saga really unfolds,

And no, it's nothing "woo woo" or anything silly or delusional (you know I only trust hard science)...

Because the facts don't lie: (

Once you shift your Intention Point, you can open the heart AND mind of any man...

Understand his true intentions, like if he loves you, how he feels, and where things are really headed in the future...

And basically own a secret pair of x-ray glasses for looking into his soul and learn more about your intimate self than you ever knew was possible.

This brings me back to this eye opening presentation

This life is all about you. He's lucky to be a part of it.

This will be a serious power boost in your live life, and the best part is, he will never know.


P.S. Once you activate HIS intention point he will be more open, honest and real with you than he's been with anyone (including his own mom).

If he gets vulnerable with you, just be gentle and don't take advantage ok?

Click here to activate his Intention Point

Direct VSL Follow Up
Does he care?
Will he stay?
His intent with you is...?

Hey [Name],

Yesterday I sent you this video about how to use your "Intention Point" to see past all his BS, walls and barriers and connect directly with his soul.

Check it out in case you missed it.

His intention might not be what you think!

And the stakes are huge!

That's why it's so important to try this simple technique that Katherine reveals.

This just might be the most life changing thing you will ever see.


P.S. I don't know how long this video will be up so check it out now while it's fresh in your mind.

It's going to make connecting with men your new favorite hobby as you finally take control of your love life :-)

Discover what your "Intention Point" says about you and your relationship


Make Money Niche Email Swipe Copy

The following email copy below is suitable for the following list types: Health (Including Fitness, Lifestyle, Exercise, Dieting).

Free Abundance Reading
Are You Abundant In The Bank?
[Quiz] How Financially Abundant Are You?

Hey [Name],

Ever feel like there's just never enough money to go around?

That your bank account feels like a roller coaster that never ends?

When your finances are out of whack, so is the rest of your life.

And if you're anything like me...

You're always on the lookout for quick and easy ways to allow money to flow into your life effortlessly like a rising tide.

That's why I know you'll love this:

60 second quiz and free custom "Abundance Reading"

It reveals to you how abundant you are on the inside (and how that can translate to wealth on the outside)...

Plus it shows you how to eliminate the hidden blunders in your mindset cementing you in debt and blocking you from receiving the financial blessings you've been waiting for...

Take This Quiz and See How Abundant You REALLY Are ← (so accurate it's scary)

My own reading was so spot-on, it sent a shiver down my spine. Seriously!

And it laid out a few simple shifts in my financial mindset that helped me start manifesting abundance in my future (without all my past failures keeping me down)... VERY powerful.

Let me know what your abundance reading says about you.


P.S. This quiz was developed by my good friend Katherine over at who's been working with over 2 million people world wide …

Unlike a lot of these attraction "guru" types who promise you to manifest the Moon...

Katherine's research is pure science (and shocking science, at that) and her advice is grounded in the real world.

That's why I know taking this quiz just might change your life.← (transformational experience)

Direct VSL
Your financial "intention"
What's your "cash intent?"
what's your "Intention" with money?
Purpose for money?
How "Money Intent" Changes Your Life

Hey [Name],

Ever want something so bad that your heart starts pounding when you think of it?

You were not born just to go to work, pay bills and die.

You do not work as hard as you do, just to make ends meet and take home less than you deserve...

You are here for something more.

You know in. It into that woo woo stuff. I only take in stuff that's hard science.

That's why I was blown away that something about the Law of Attraction is this "on the ground" and proven to work.

How to use your Intention Point to manifest success

Why not have a BIG life?


P.S. This is for leaders who think outside of the box and are not afraid to try something new.

If you're stuck in your ways this is not for you.

Direct VSL Follow Up
Dream of being rich?
Money dreams
A means to an end...

Hey [Name],

We all want money.

Some people need money BAD and do outrageous things to get it!

But for what?

Money is a means to an end.

You have a PURPOSE for your money.

An intent for what it's for. A reason to do good in this world and live the dream.

And with THAT comes power!

Which means you can be more than living paycheck to paycheck like a hamster on a wheel.

You can earn more than you do now without feeling guilty or like you don't deserve it.

You can HAVE more in life all around!

How? By using your Intention Point.

It's a biological breakthrough that will give you a serious edge in your immediate financial future.

Check it out!


P.S. What is YOUR big dream?

There's an awesome exercise in this video that will help you uncover that purpose and bring your dream to life.

How to manifest your dream life.



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